The Newest Addition To Our Changing Table: Cloud Island

Featuring Burt’s Bees Baby 100% Natural Dusting Powder, Talc-Free Baby Powder – 7.5 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 1)

First things first, we have dealt with sensitive skin with my son, Peyton, since he was born. Our hospital provided us with Huggies diapers which almost immediately irritated his bottom, so once we got home I put him in Honest company diapers and we were hooked. They fit him great, we had no irritation issues and the wipes were fantastic (still are my favorite wipes). Unfortunately, once Peyton reached 10 months old he was already in a size 5 diaper; which in Honest Company only includes 50 diapers per box (or 140 diapers if you use their subscription service which we didn’t). Needless to say, we were going through them like crazy and at $24.99 a box ($.49 per diaper) we were spending a lot of money. We then switched to Pampers Pure.

Pampers Pure had the same chemical free claims as Honest, fit Peyton so much better, felt softer, and were available at more stores. With 44 diapers in a size 5 box at $24.99 a piece we were spending a little more per diaper ($.56 per diaper). However, the wipes were significantly cheaper than Honest ($14.99 for 336 wipes vs $18.99 for 288 wipes) so we saved there. Between the fit, the material and the fact that we could run out and get them at almost any grocery store, we were dead set on using Pampers Pure until we started potty training.

Enter: Cloud Island

Featuring Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer

Earlier this week Target released an extension of their Cloud Island line to include essentials such as diapers, wipes, toiletries and tableware. We were so excited to try their line that we went to target the day the line was released and almost passed out in the diaper aisle when we saw the money saving value that this brand had to offer. For $21.99 we got a box of 69 size 5 diapers (only $.31 per diaper). And that’s not even the best part! We also got an 800 count box of wipes for $16.99. WHAT?! My fiancé and I looked at each other like we just hit the lottery, paid for our items, got home and immediately put the diapers and wipes to use on Peyton.

WE ARE IN LOVE. The diapers fit so good, almost like a pair of underwear. They’re shorter in length than Pampers Pure but width wise cover more of Peyton’s bottom than Honest Company. They feature the stretchiest side flaps of any diaper I’ve ever dealt with, so I know that I’ll never have to worry about them tearing. They also have a unique tri-fold design that ensures a snugger fit. Plus, they come in two adorable prints: clouds and animal constellations. We have had no rashes or leaks and Peyton seems to be really comfortable in them.

Look at these cute prints!

Bonus: the wipes are just as good! They’re fragrance free, 99% water, hypoallergenic and include coconut oil for silky soft buns. They too come in three super cute prints and though a great value because you’re getting so many wipes for such a little price, the packs are HUGE and I would not recommend carrying them in a diaper bag.

All in all, we are so pleased with Cloud Island diapers and wipes and even happier with how much money we’re going to be saving. Please head to your local Target and stock up on Cloud Island because I have a feeling these bad boys are going to be a popular item in the diaper aisle.

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