DIY: Plastic Bag Ghosts

Boo! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted (update pending) but what better way to return than with a super easy DIY?! I’m sure I’m not the only one that has a bag full of bags in their laundry room so here’s a festive way to put them to use:

All you’ll need for this project are:

  • Some scissors
  • Jute string
  • Permanent marker
  • Some white plastic bags

The first step is to cut out the printed portion of the bag. DO NOT throw away this piece because this is what we are going to use to stuff the head portion of the ghost. I cut 6 bags per ghost but you can decide how many you want to cut depending on how big or small you want yours to be.

Next, lay your bags one on top of the other with the bottoms overlapping about 5 inches. Again, the amount of bags you layer are completely up to you. The more bags, the bushier the bottom half of the ghost will look.

Now, scrunch up and toss your cut out scraps into an uncut bag. Twist the bag so that there is a compact ball at the end. Place this in the center of your overlapping bags and begin wrapping the bags around the ball, cinching in the same spot.

Next, using your jute string, tightly wrap it around the cinched portion until you’re satisfied with the way it looks and feels secure. I used scotch tape to adhere the beginning of the string to the plastic and continued wrapping the jute until the piece of tape was completely covered.

To make the hanging loop I inserted the free end of the string under one of the loops and pulled through…

Doing the same on the other side, I tied a knot to secure.

This next step is completely optional. I cut the loops off the handle portion of the bags because I wanted the ends to look more jagged and uneven.

Lastly, using a permanent marker, add a face!

So easy! And such a great way to reuse plastic bags! We love doing crafts and they’re a great way to teach the importance of creativity. Let me know if you’d like to see more DIY’s and how I get my toddler involved in making them.

A Letter to Our Daddy

Our Dearest, Daddy,

I know sometimes it seems as though you’re left out and unappreciated. But try to believe me when I tell you, you are our whole world, our Mr. Sun, our Daddy Pig and Lightening McQueen’s loudest “cah-chow”. If there’s one thing you get from this letter it should be that even though you’re not home with us throughout the day, you are the reason we make it through the day.

You’ll never see how much your son’s face lights up when I hear your truck pull up outside and tell him that Daddy’s home. Or feel the excitement that surges through me as you walk through the door. And Daddy, if we could give you a nickel for how many times you get brought up each day, you’d never have to worry about our finances ever again.

Please understand that I’m trying my best. And just like you, I have my good and bad days. My job in this house is 24/7 and though I wish I did, I don’t get a break when you come home. So please forgive me when I bombard you with grocery lists and tasks because in reality, I’m just trying to get my job done so I can spend three hours with you before you fall asleep.

Daddy, there’s no other person in this world that we are more grateful for than you. And even though we might not verbally say it, look for it in your sons smile, feel it in my hug, listen for it in my voice when I call you 14 times a day.

We love you,

-Mommy and Peyton

Why We Are Against Sleep Training

Disclaimer: I am not bashing any parent that chooses to sleep train their babies. I am a firm believer that every child and household is different and what works for one may not work for another. With that being said, Sleep training did not work for us, like, at all. Heres why:

  • The “cry it out” method made us as parents very uncomfortable and 9 times out of 10 it led to Peyton throwing up. Hearing your child scream to the point of them vomiting is something that I’m personally not strong enough to go through. A baby has a natural and innate need to be comforted by their caregiver so for me to not go in and comfort my son was defying my natural role as a mother.
  • It took longer for us to get him to go to sleep, which meant that we were actually losing sleep ourselves. With the bedtime routine that we had in place, it took us 25 minutes tops to get Peyton asleep and in his crib. When we attempted sleep training, it took us an upmost of about 2 hours.
  • It interrupted my pumping routine. If you’re familiar with breastfeeding, you know that when your body is on a lactation schedule there’s really nothing you can do to stop it from happening; the milk is going to come out one way or another. At this point, I was already in a routine of pumping right after I put Peyton in his crib. When we were sleep training, I couldn’t do this because I had to go in and attempt to soothe him every 5, 10, 15+ minutes as was instructed by the sleep training guide we were following. So on top of the fact that my son is screaming bloody murder, I’m now dripping milk from my nipples like a leaky faucet. No. Thank. You.
  • We missed out on bonding time. Bedtime was and still is my favorite time of the day with my son. It’s a moment when I get to see him in a happy and relaxed state and just be able to snuggle and love on him until he falls asleep in my arms. How could I give that up?

Basically, sleep training was a fail and honestly, I don’t care. Peyton is now 19 months old and sleeps through the night from 8:00pm to 7:00 am. Yes, I still have to hold him and soothe him to sleep. But what’s 25 minutes out of my night if it means that my baby gets a full nights sleep? Plus, Peyton is so independent throughout the day that I actually don’t mind the fact that he still needs me to go to sleep. When he’s ready to do something on his own he lets me know (trust me, there’s no mistaking when Peyton doesn’t want you to do something). So until that day, we have no problem putting sleep training to bed.

The Newest Addition To Our Changing Table: Cloud Island

Featuring Burt’s Bees Baby 100% Natural Dusting Powder, Talc-Free Baby Powder – 7.5 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 1)

First things first, we have dealt with sensitive skin with my son, Peyton, since he was born. Our hospital provided us with Huggies diapers which almost immediately irritated his bottom, so once we got home I put him in Honest company diapers and we were hooked. They fit him great, we had no irritation issues and the wipes were fantastic (still are my favorite wipes). Unfortunately, once Peyton reached 10 months old he was already in a size 5 diaper; which in Honest Company only includes 50 diapers per box (or 140 diapers if you use their subscription service which we didn’t). Needless to say, we were going through them like crazy and at $24.99 a box ($.49 per diaper) we were spending a lot of money. We then switched to Pampers Pure.

Pampers Pure had the same chemical free claims as Honest, fit Peyton so much better, felt softer, and were available at more stores. With 44 diapers in a size 5 box at $24.99 a piece we were spending a little more per diaper ($.56 per diaper). However, the wipes were significantly cheaper than Honest ($14.99 for 336 wipes vs $18.99 for 288 wipes) so we saved there. Between the fit, the material and the fact that we could run out and get them at almost any grocery store, we were dead set on using Pampers Pure until we started potty training.

Enter: Cloud Island

Featuring Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer

Earlier this week Target released an extension of their Cloud Island line to include essentials such as diapers, wipes, toiletries and tableware. We were so excited to try their line that we went to target the day the line was released and almost passed out in the diaper aisle when we saw the money saving value that this brand had to offer. For $21.99 we got a box of 69 size 5 diapers (only $.31 per diaper). And that’s not even the best part! We also got an 800 count box of wipes for $16.99. WHAT?! My fiancé and I looked at each other like we just hit the lottery, paid for our items, got home and immediately put the diapers and wipes to use on Peyton.

WE ARE IN LOVE. The diapers fit so good, almost like a pair of underwear. They’re shorter in length than Pampers Pure but width wise cover more of Peyton’s bottom than Honest Company. They feature the stretchiest side flaps of any diaper I’ve ever dealt with, so I know that I’ll never have to worry about them tearing. They also have a unique tri-fold design that ensures a snugger fit. Plus, they come in two adorable prints: clouds and animal constellations. We have had no rashes or leaks and Peyton seems to be really comfortable in them.

Look at these cute prints!

Bonus: the wipes are just as good! They’re fragrance free, 99% water, hypoallergenic and include coconut oil for silky soft buns. They too come in three super cute prints and though a great value because you’re getting so many wipes for such a little price, the packs are HUGE and I would not recommend carrying them in a diaper bag.

All in all, we are so pleased with Cloud Island diapers and wipes and even happier with how much money we’re going to be saving. Please head to your local Target and stock up on Cloud Island because I have a feeling these bad boys are going to be a popular item in the diaper aisle.

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Being a mom means getting excited over silly things like “snot suckers”. So here are a few things that make me happy. Affiliate links are provided for what is available on *Be still my mommy heart*

I Finally Did It

“You should start a blog” – Everyone I Know


Since becoming a SAHM I have developed an anxiety for things that are outside of my daily routine. For 19 months now I have created and followed a systemic schedule for the sake of mine and my son’s sanity. So when people started suggesting that I start a blog, though the idea was already in my head, I panicked. Taking on anything as a SAHM is daunting, never mind committing to something that is going to alter the routine that keeps you sane. But here we are, so I guess you can officially call me crazy.

Welcome to my blog!

Here I’ll share all things motherhood and lifestyle related. I hope this manifests a community of like-minded mothers to support and encourage each other with wishes of hot coffee and long nap times.
