A Letter to Our Daddy

Our Dearest, Daddy,

I know sometimes it seems as though you’re left out and unappreciated. But try to believe me when I tell you, you are our whole world, our Mr. Sun, our Daddy Pig and Lightening McQueen’s loudest “cah-chow”. If there’s one thing you get from this letter it should be that even though you’re not home with us throughout the day, you are the reason we make it through the day.

You’ll never see how much your son’s face lights up when I hear your truck pull up outside and tell him that Daddy’s home. Or feel the excitement that surges through me as you walk through the door. And Daddy, if we could give you a nickel for how many times you get brought up each day, you’d never have to worry about our finances ever again.

Please understand that I’m trying my best. And just like you, I have my good and bad days. My job in this house is 24/7 and though I wish I did, I don’t get a break when you come home. So please forgive me when I bombard you with grocery lists and tasks because in reality, I’m just trying to get my job done so I can spend three hours with you before you fall asleep.

Daddy, there’s no other person in this world that we are more grateful for than you. And even though we might not verbally say it, look for it in your sons smile, feel it in my hug, listen for it in my voice when I call you 14 times a day.

We love you,

-Mommy and Peyton