DIY: Plastic Bag Ghosts

Boo! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted (update pending) but what better way to return than with a super easy DIY?! I’m sure I’m not the only one that has a bag full of bags in their laundry room so here’s a festive way to put them to use:

All you’ll need for this project are:

  • Some scissors
  • Jute string
  • Permanent marker
  • Some white plastic bags

The first step is to cut out the printed portion of the bag. DO NOT throw away this piece because this is what we are going to use to stuff the head portion of the ghost. I cut 6 bags per ghost but you can decide how many you want to cut depending on how big or small you want yours to be.

Next, lay your bags one on top of the other with the bottoms overlapping about 5 inches. Again, the amount of bags you layer are completely up to you. The more bags, the bushier the bottom half of the ghost will look.

Now, scrunch up and toss your cut out scraps into an uncut bag. Twist the bag so that there is a compact ball at the end. Place this in the center of your overlapping bags and begin wrapping the bags around the ball, cinching in the same spot.

Next, using your jute string, tightly wrap it around the cinched portion until you’re satisfied with the way it looks and feels secure. I used scotch tape to adhere the beginning of the string to the plastic and continued wrapping the jute until the piece of tape was completely covered.

To make the hanging loop I inserted the free end of the string under one of the loops and pulled through…

Doing the same on the other side, I tied a knot to secure.

This next step is completely optional. I cut the loops off the handle portion of the bags because I wanted the ends to look more jagged and uneven.

Lastly, using a permanent marker, add a face!

So easy! And such a great way to reuse plastic bags! We love doing crafts and they’re a great way to teach the importance of creativity. Let me know if you’d like to see more DIY’s and how I get my toddler involved in making them.